Microsoft Onenote Section Bold

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  • 2/17/2016

Microsoft OneNote is the perfect example of such an app. For a long time, OneNote was a paid part of the Microsoft Office suite, however, it’s now a free-to-use application after Microsoft discontinued the desktop version. In recent times, OneNote became available as a Windows 10 app which comes pre-installed on your computer.


If you prefer to share a static copy of any page in your notebook, see “Share a snapshot of a page of notes” in the section below. Share a snapshot of a page of notes. To send a static copy (or a screenshot) of the current page in email, do the following: In OneNote for Windows 10, open the page you want to share. You have unread changes in that section. If you open it, you will see some bold pages - you can right click them and 'Mark as read'. View Entire Discussion (2 Comments). Saving Your Work - OneNote does not have a File, Save or Save as option. Your work is automatically saved. Export - You can export pages, sections or even your entire notebook as a PDF file by choosing File, Export. Bold – Notebooks, sections, and pages with bold lettering indicate those pages have not read.

  1. Apply text formatting to notes

Apply text formatting to notes

You’ll find the editing and formatting controls, which let you change the text’s appearance, to be very familiar if you’ve worked with other Microsoft Office apps, such as Word or PowerPoint.

Use the controls on the Home tab of the ribbon to format your notes

By default, OneNote creates text by using the Calibri font, with its size set to 11 points. (There are 72 points to an inch.) You can use any font installed on your system to format your text according to your needs. You might want to use one font for your basic note text and another for headlines, for example.

Applying bold, italic, and underline formatting all emphasize the text you formatted, but in slightly different ways. For example, bold text can identify a key term, italics can denote a definition of that term, and underlining can indicate vital words within the definition that help distinguish the term from related concepts. For more specific cases, such as mathematical notes or to indicate a word that should be excluded from a definition, you can apply subscript, superscript, or strikethrough formatting.

Another way to make text stand out on the page is to apply highlighting, which is the electronic equivalent of using a light-colored marker to distinguish text on a printed page. You can also change the color of specific text. In most cases, the standard black text is best, but red text can identify mistakes to avoid, and green text can indicate action items, or whatever combination works best for you.

Highlight text to make it stand out from surrounding information

Finally, meetings and classes often cover several topics during each session. You can use the built-in styles to apply several levels of headings to your notes, call out citations and quotes, or format programming code so it’s easier to distinguish from the surrounding text.

To change the font of text

  1. Select the text you want to format.
  2. On the Home tab of the ribbon, in the Basic Text group, click the Font arrow.

    Format text by using the tools in the Home tab’s Basic Text group

  3. Click the font you want to apply.

To change the size of text

  1. Select the text you want to format.
  2. Do either of the following:

    • On the Home tab of the ribbon, in the Basic Text group, click the Font Size arrow and select the size you want to apply.
    • Click in the Font Size text box, enter the font size you want to apply, and press Enter.

To apply bold formatting to text

  1. Select the text you want to format.
  2. Do either of the following:

    • On the Home tab of the ribbon, in the Basic Text group, click the Bold button.
    • Press Ctrl+B.

Add bold formatting to make text stand out

To apply italic formatting to text

  1. Select the text you want to format.
  2. Do either of the following:

    • On the Home tab of the ribbon, in the Basic Text group, click the Italic button.
    • Press Ctrl+I.

To apply underline formatting to text

  1. Select the text you want to format.
  2. Do either of the following:

    • On the Home tab of the ribbon, in the Basic Text group, click the Underline button.
    • Press Ctrl+U.

To apply strikethrough formatting to text

  1. Select the text you want to format.
  2. On the Home tab of the ribbon, in the Basic Text group, click the Strikethrough button.

Use strikethrough formatting to leave text in place but indicate that it should be ignored

Microsoft Onenote Section Bold Online

To apply subscript formatting to text

  1. Select the text you want to format.
  2. On the Home tab of the ribbon, in the Basic Text group, click the Subscript button.

To apply superscript formatting to text

  1. Select the text you want to format.
  2. On the Home tab of the ribbon, in the Basic Text group, click the Subscript arrow, and then click Superscript. (This button then stays on Superscript by default until you switch back.)

To highlight text

  1. Select the text you want to format.
  2. Do either of the following:

    • On the Home tab of the ribbon, in the Basic Text group, click the Text Highlight Color button to apply the last highlight color selected.
    • Click the Text Highlight Color arrow, and then click the highlight color you want to apply.

To change the font color of text

  1. Select the text you want to format.
  2. Do either of the following:

    • On the Home tab of the ribbon, in the Basic Text group, click the Font Color button to apply the last font color selected.
    • Click the Font Color arrow, and then click the font color you want to apply.

Make text stand out by changing its font color

To copy formatting from one item to another item

  1. Select the text from which you want to copy formatting.
  2. On the Home tab of the ribbon, in the Clipboard group, click the Format Painter button.
  3. Select the text to which you want to apply the copied formatting.

To copy formatting from one item to multiple items

  1. Select the text from which you want to copy formatting.
  2. On the Home tab of the ribbon, in the Clipboard group, double-click the Format Painter button.
  3. Select the first item to which you want to apply the copied formatting, and then select the other items you want to reformat, one at a time.
  4. When you are done applying the copied formatting, press Esc to release the Format Painter.
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Related resources

  • By Cindy Lewis, Carl Chatfield, Timothy Johnson
  • Book $39.99
  • By Paul McFedries
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  • By Cindy Lewis, Carl Chatfield, Timothy Johnson
  • eBook (Watermarked) $31.99

What is OneNote?

OneNote is a digital note-taking tool. It allows you to type notes, write ideas, add photos, record audios and synchronize them with your work.

With OneNote, you can work from numerous devices as it uses cloud storage.

OneNote is developed and managed by Microsoft Corporation.

It is a free app that is compatible with Windows, iOS, Android, iPhone and MacOS.

How to access OneNote

To access OneNote for iPhone or iPad:

  • Open the App Store and enter Microsoft OneNote in the search box.
  • Click on ‘Get’ to download the app.
  • Once downloaded, OneNote appears on your home screen. Tap to open and sign in using your Microsoft account credentials.

To access OneNote for Android devices:

  • Go to ‘Play Store’, search for Microsoft OneNote and click on ‘Install’ to download the app.
  • Once it appears on your home screen, sign in using your Microsoft credentials.

To access OneNote online:

  • Sign in to your Microsoft Office account from the website. Select OneNote and open your notebooks to start using.

With all the above access modes, keep your ideas flowing with OneNote.

How to start with OneNote

When you launch OneNote, you are prompted to sign in.

If you are a first-time user, OneNote will create a new notebook for you. However, if you have used it already, the last notebook you used appears by default.

A notebook interface contains a menu bar, toolbar, page and section.

Separate your sections by using different notebooks.

How to take notes

  • Open your OneNote.
  • Start typing on the main editor. You can add, move and resize your notes. OneNote automatically saves your work.
  • Use the ‘draw’ tool to handwrite your notes. You can convert your handwritten notes into text form.
  • On the menu bar, click on ‘Select Objects or Type Text’. Alternatively, use the ‘Lasso Select’ tool. Draw a circle around your text. Click on the ‘Ink to text’ option on the menu bar. Once converted, you can edit the texts as usual.
Microsoft Onenote Section Bold

How to record audio notes

  • Once you have typed your notes, click on ‘Insert’ from the menu bar. Go to ‘Audio’.
  • OneNote will record your notes upto where you want. Click on the ‘Stop’ button to end the recording.
  • Double-click on the audio or press play to listen to it.

How to add media files

  • Use the insert button to add pictures, videos, tables and links of content to your notebook.
  • For example, if you want to add pictures, click ‘insert’ then ‘picture’. From here, choose from where you want to add them – online, camera or file. Locate the picture and select ‘open’ on the pop-up window.
  • When adding files, you can attach them as PDF printouts or as attachments.
  • When adding videos, copy and paste the video’s URL onto the notebook editor.

How to add more pages, notebooks and sections

Microsoft Onenote Section Bold And Beautiful

OneNote allows you to create as much writing space as you need.

To add a notebook:

  • Click the ‘Notebook’ button at the bottom left. On the new pop-up window, name your notebook, specify where to save it to and click on the ‘Create Notebook’ button.
  • To switch to a different notebook, click the ‘Show Notebooks’ button. From the list, select the notebook you want to use.

To add more pages:

  • Click the ‘Page’ button and select the untitled page. Name and use it.
  • Do the same when creating more sections.
  • Use the draw icon to add or remove space on the editor. Use the ‘insert or remove’ tool. Press and drag it on the editor to add or remove space.

How to add tags

Tags come in handy to remind you of tasks you want to catch up with later.

To add tags:

  • Click on the text or image you want to tag.
  • On the ‘Home/ Menu’ tab, select the ‘To Do’ icon (✓). This adds a checkbox in front of the selected item.
  • Alternatively, click on the ‘To Do’ icon’s drop down menu. Select any of the options. For example, critical, question, contact, etc.

How to format OneNote

To format notes:

  • Use the ‘Home’ tab for all your formatting options. For example, change fonts, highlight text, change font size, add bullets, bold or underline text.

To format pages and sections:

  • Make your pages stand out by applying background color.
  • Go to the ‘View’ tab and select ‘Paper Color’. To do this for your sections, select the section you want to apply background color to. Right-click on it and choose ‘Section Color’. Your selected color will appear on the section name.

How to add and format tables

  • Use the ‘insert’ tab. Select the number of rows and columns.
  • When using a table, the ‘Table’ tab has formatting options you can use to customize. You can add color shades to cells, delete or add columns and rows.

How to draw and sketch using OneNote

  • Use the ‘Draw’ tab. Select a pencil, pen or highlighter to use for your drawings.
  • When you select the drawing tool, for example, pen, click on the ‘down arrow’. Here, there are options for adjusting the pen’s thickness and choosing your preferred color.
  • Use the ‘More Colors’ option to customize your colors.
  • Press escape to exit drawing mode.

How to create shapes

  • Use the ‘Draw’ tab as well. Select ‘Shapes’ and choose your preferred shape from the options. You can move a shape by dragging it accordingly.
  • To resize the shape, hold the control key as you drag to increase or decrease the shape.
  • The ‘draw with mouse or touch’ icon is helpful when you want to draw on a touchscreen. Select it and click on the ‘Ink to Shape’ option.
  • Once you draw your shape, it is adjusted automatically to have straight lines.

How to organize your notes

  • Go to ‘View’ then select ‘Navigation Panes’.
  • Click on ‘Show All’ to display all your sections, pages and notebooks. Here, you can move pages and sections into different notebooks.
  • Select the page, copy and paste it onto another notebook.
  • To move a section, select and right-click on it. Choose the ‘move/copy’ option and select the destination notebook.
  • You can also rearrange pages and sections. Select the page, drag and drop it where you want.

How to search and locate notes

  • Use the ‘Search’ icon in the form of a magnifying glass on the top-left.
  • Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcut ‘Control + F’.
  • Enter your search term. A list of items related to your search will be displayed.
  • To narrow down your search, click on the drop down arrow and choose your preference. For example, ‘Current Notebook’ or ‘Current Page’.

How to share OneNote items

To share a page:

  • Select and open the page.
  • Click ‘Share’ on the top-right. From the pop-up window, click on the first drop-down arrow. Choose whether you want to share the whole notebook or the specific page you opened.
  • On the ‘Email invitation’ box, enter the email addresses of everyone you want to share with.
  • Choose whether the person/people can only view the content or view and edit as well.
  • Click on the ‘Share’ button.

How to protect your OneNote contents

Microsoft Onenote Section Bold Style

In case you share devices with others, you may want to protect your OneNote. Do this by creating passwords for your notebooks.

  • To do this, select and right-click on the notebook. Choose the ‘Password Protection’ option then click on ‘Add Password’. Enter and confirm your password.
  • You can also lock sections. Select and right-click on the section. Choose ‘Password Protection’, then either ‘Lock Section’ or ‘Lock All Protected Sections’.
  • To unlock a section, select the locked section and enter your password.
  • Follow the same process when removing passwords. Right-click on the section and choose ‘Password Protection’ then ‘Remove Password’. Click ‘OK’ after entering your password.


Microsoft’s OneNote is your go-to note-taking app. Better yet, it is free to use. Don’t let ideas pass you by. Use this note-taking app from any device, anywhere and anytime.

Microsoft Onenote Section Bold And The Beautiful

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