Create A Numbered Bibliography In Word

With cited sources in your document, you're ready to create a bibliography. Put your cursor where you want the bibliography. Go to References Bibliography, and choose a format.: If you cite a new source, add it to the bibliography by clicking anywhere in the bibliography and selecting Update Citations and Bibliography. You could create a new set of styles, but for our purposes, Word's existing heading styles, Heading 1, Heading 2, and so on, provide a good foundation. Most everything you need is built in and can. The video will show you how to add numbering in Bibliography while using MS-Word. I have used MS-word 2016, however, the procedure is same for all other vers.

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Create A Numbered Bibliography In Word

Word Processor Integration

Using Microsoft Word, LibreOffice, or Google Docs? Zotero's word processor integration allow you to add citations and bibliographies directly from your documents.

Quick Copy

If you just want to quickly add references to a paper, email, or blog post, Zotero's Quick Copy is the easiest way to go. Simply select items in the center column and drag them into any text field. Zotero will automatically create a formatted bibliography for you. To copy citations instead of references, hold down Shift at the start of the drag.

To configure your Quick Copy preferences, open the Zotero preferences menu and select Export. From this tab you can do the following:

  • Set up site-specific export settings
  • Choose whether you want Zotero to include HTML markup when copying

You can also use Quick Copy keyboard shortcuts to copy citations and bibliographies to your system clipboard and then paste them into documents. Default shortcuts are Ctrl/Cmd-Shift-C (bibliography) and Ctrl/Cmd-Shift-A (citations).

Right-Click to Create Citation/Bibliography

To create a bibliography or a citations list in Zotero, highlight one or more references and then right-click (or control-click on Macs) to select β€œCreate Bibliography from Selected Item(s)…”. Then select a citation style for your citation/bibliography format and choose either to create a list of Citations/Notes or a Bibliography. Then choose one of the following four ways to create your citation/bibliography:

  • Save as RTF will allow you to save the bibliography as a rich text file.
  • Save as HTML will allow you to save the bibliography as a HTML file for viewing in a web browser. This format will also embed metadata allowing other Zotero users viewing the document to capture bibliographic information.
  • Copy to Clipboard will allow you to save the bibliography to your clipboard to paste into any text field.
  • Print will send your bibliography straight to a printer.

RTF Scan

With RTF Scan, you can write in plain text, and use Zotero to finalize your citations and bibliographies in the style you want.

Citation formats for scholarly writing can take many forms, like author-date, author-page, footnotes, numeric, etc. This time, we decided to shine a light on the most frequently used citation formats with numbers. We compiled a list of the main citation styles with numbers in brackets to help you get started with your paper. Each style includes an explanation of its system, just like reference examples.

#1 Vancouver

The Vancouver style is a numeric citation system used in biomedical, health and other science publications. This style consists of in-text citations indicated with either superscript or bracketed numbers. The same number is used throughout the paper to refer to the same source and given in full in a reference list at the end of the paper. This list is ordered sequentially, not alphabetically.

Check out these Vancouver style resources

🌐 Official Vancouver style guidelines

πŸ“ Vancouver citation generator

Vancouver style examples

An in-text citation in Vancouver style:

A similar study was carried out in 2015(1).

A reference list entry in Vancouver style:

1. Aprile A, Gulino A, Storto M, Villa I, Beretta S, Merelli I, et al. Hematopoietic stem cell function in Ξ²-thalassemia is impaired and is rescued by targeting the bone marrow niche. Blood [Internet]. 2020; Available from:



IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) style is based on the Chicago citation style and is used specifically for engineering and science papers. This style uses a numeric citation format, in which a number in square brackets is given as an in-text citation. This number corresponds to a reference list entry at the end of the paper.

Check out these IEEE style resources

🌐 Official IEEE style guidelines

πŸ—‚ IEEE style guide

πŸ“ IEEE citation generator

IEEE style examples

An in-text citation in IEEE style:

As seen in a multi-camera study [1]...

A bibliography entry in IEEE style:

[1] E. Nuger and B. Benhabib, β€œMulti-Camera Active-Vision for Markerless Shape Recovery of Unknown Deforming Objects,” J. Intell. Rob. Syst., vol. 92, no. 2, pp. 223–264, Oct. 2018.

#3 ACM

The Association for Computing Machinery has its own numeric style. This style requires the use of sequential numbers in square brackets for in-text citations, which are later added in full in a reference list at the end of the paper.

Check out these ACM style resources

🌐 Official ACM style guidelines

πŸ—‚ ACM style guide

ACM style examples

An in-text citation in ACM style: seen in a computer-generated holograms for 3D imaging survey [1].

A bibliography entry in ACM style:

[1] Erdem Sahin, Elena Stoykova, Jani MΓ€kinen, and Atanas Gotchev. 2020. Computer-generated holograms for 3D imaging: A survey. ACM Comput. Surv. 53, 2 (2020), 1–35.

#4 Physical Review Letters

The Physical Review Letters style allows both in-text references and footnotes. Each reference must be numbered consecutively (in square brackets) in order of citation, and added to a list at the end of the paper.

Check out these PRL style resources

🌐 Official PRL style guidelines

PRL style examples

An in-text citation in PRL style:

Recent studies [1]...

A bibliography entry in PRL style:

[1] P. Gomez, F. Martin, C. Mazzinghi, D. Benedicto Orenes, S. Palacios, and M. W. Mitchell, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, (2020).

#5 Elsevier


Elsevier journals accept many different types of citation styles, however they have their own numeric style, too. This style, referred as the Standard numbered style in their manuscript, indicates in-text references with numbers in square brackets. These numbers are then added to a reference list in the order in which they appear in the text.

Check out these Elsevier style resources

🌐 Official Elsevier style guidelines

Elsevier style examples

An in-text citation in Elsevier style:

Similarly, the climate response to ultraviolet irradiation was tested [1].

A bibliography entry in Elsevier style:

[1] Z.-N. Xiao, S. Dong, Q. Zhong, Numerical simulation of climate response to ultraviolet irradiation forcing, Adv. Clim. Chang. Res. 10 (2019) 133–142.

Frequently Asked Questions about citation styles with numbers in brackets

1️⃣ What is the most popular citation style with numbers in brackets?

The most popular citation style with numbers in brackets is Vancouver style. This style consists of in-text citations indicated with either superscript or bracketed numbers. The only difference from Vancouver and other styles mentioned above, is that it uses round brackets instead of square brackets.

♨️ Are numbers in brackets italicized?

No, the citation styles mentioned above do not italicize numbers in brackets. Some citation styles, such as Science Magazine style, do italicize numbers. In fact, this style uses round brackets and italicized numbers, making it a very unique citation style. However, most numeric styles with brackets do not italicize numbers.

🧐 Should I use square or round brackets?

Create A Numbered Bibliography In Word

Using round or square brackets will depend on the citation style you choose. You can not decide to turn square brackets into round ones, just because you don't like edges. You have to follow the indications of each style, so make sure to confirm if the style of your choosing uses round or square brackets.

πŸ—‚οΈ What journals use citation styles with numbers in brackets?

Some of the most notorious journals that use citation styles with numbers in brackets are: Elsevier, Physical Review Letters, and PubMed.

How To Make A Numbered Bibliography In Word

✍️ Do I have to create a reference list with numbers in brackets manually?

Create A Numbered Bibliography In Word Document

You can, but you don't have to. You can easily create a reference list with numbers in brackets with the BibGuru citation generator. This generator creates the fastest and most accurate citations possible, which will save you time and worries. The best part is, it is completely free!