Dragon Age 2 Save Game Editor

Baldur's Gate II XP Cap Disabler by TeamBG30kbDownload
An alternative to an experience cap remover, this program sets the experience cap to -1 and therefor disables it. Simply run the program and point it to your BGII 'Override' folder.
Baldur's Gate 2 XP Patcher by Avenger18kbDownload
This program can be used to change the starting XP of your character.
BG2 & ToB Level 50 Patch & XP Cap Remover by TeamBG33kbDownload
This patch does several things.First it disables the experience cap allowing you to reach the higher levels. Second it modifies the class tables to match the standard AD&D rules for all classes up through level 50. A warrior for example will now gain all warrior advantages. The special abilities have also been modified to allow for the kits to get all of their level based perks.
'Safe' XP Cap Remover for Throne of Bhaal by Kevin Dorner2kbDownload
Allows single/dual/multi-class characters to progress to level 40 in all of their classes, eliminating the problem where allowing a character to progress beyond level 40 could wrap their abilities (such as spell allowances) around to those for level 0 or 1, as all ability tables and engine parameters do not go beyond level 40.
Shadow Keeper by Aaron O'Neil298kbDownload

Shadow Keeper is an application that allows you to edit your Baldur's Gate II (and ToB) saved game files. How the editor is used is really up to you. Some people use editors like this for beefing up their characters, some use them for recreating actual D&D characters to play in the game and some just to goof around. The point of the editor is to allow you to have fun playing the game however you like it best.

One thing to keep in mind, if you haven't already played through the game and you plan to make supermen out of your party members, you will most likely kill most of the fun of the game. A game without challenges grows boring fairly quickly.

The source code of the editor is also available. Pay the home of the Shadowkeeper a visit in order to learn the ins and outs of this editor.

Infinity Engine Miscellania by CirerrekVariesDownload (Ext.)
A substantial collection of excellent party AI scripts, mostly for SoA/ToB, but also a few for other games covered on SP. This is the home of the eSeries, gMinion, Sequencer Memory, tSeries, iSeries and many other mods, scripts, fixes and tweaks.
Baldur's Gate 2 AI uScript (Universal Script) by Rich Martel (Submitted)84kbDownload
This is a Baldur's Gate II/Throne of Bhaal AI script for player characters that can be used with any class. Features:
- Individual AI toggle for each character
- Smart Targeting system
- Move to Combat routine (no more idle characters)
- Detect Traps, Turn Undead, and Battle Song
- Help requesting (assisting injured)
- SoA Class Abilities
- ToB Spells
- ToB Class Abilities
- Performance Saver (script cutoff)
- TimeStop target switching
- 'Stay in melee range 2 rounds then run' routine for Casters, Archers, and Injured
- Efficient healing system
- Wand & Potion usage
- Shapeshift abilities for druids
- Intelligent Simulacrum
- Summoning Item usage (Efreeti Bottle, Black Spider Figurine, etc.)
- Improved Nymph, Planetar, Deva, & Moon Dog (Cerebus) scripts
- Dynamic Party Protection
- Cast & Attack
- Intelligent Simulacrums, Projected Images, & Misleads
- Healing potion hand offs
BG2 aiscripts by Tapio Kivikkola221kbDownload

Similiar to original Blucher's scripts (of which this is a modification), but usage of scrolls, some items and most of area spells are removed.

In short, the party will use its spells and attack. It works better than the original scripts that came with the game or Blucher's scripts, which were using Cloudkill on an area with peasants and own party.

The most important reason for making these scripts was that that Blucher's scripts were loading for a long time and original ones were not working.

Godlike Script by James Bradbrook (Submitted)1kbDownload

D = Instantly casts the following spells - whether you have them memorized or not: Bless, Protection from Evil, Negative Plane Protection, Luck, Globe of Invulnerability, Spell Turning, Absolute Immunity
F = Fires a series of magic missiles (a la Gorion) at the nearest foe.
S = Calls down lightning instantly killing your nearest foe killing them outright. This one is not useable in all map areas - not sure why yet.
G = Casts Prismatic Spray at nearest foe
K = Summons a Skeleton Warrior to fight for you.
L = Uses the demon death gaze against your nearest enemy.

Also, if you get badly wounded, you'll automatically cast heal on yourself.

Baldur's Gate 2 Scripter by Brent Knowles263kbDownload

A front-end to the Baldur's Gate 2 script compiling program. This is just a freebee to help those of you who plan on making your own scripts.
Installation Instructions:

1) Create a folder called c:ScriptW
2) Uncompress BGScripter into the c:ScriptW folder
3) run Script.exe
4) Go to Tools|Properties

Fill in the following fields (the defaults should be fine, but if you installed BG2 other than default then these need to be modified)

Script Compiler Path: enter the path, such as c:biowareScriptCompiler

*This is the location to the Aicompile.exe file*

Script Location: (script compiler path + 'source')
Override Location: location to the override subdirectory in BG2 install
Extension: should be .bs

5) copy the compiled file from the override into your scripts directory.

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Disclaimer: I don’t own a console so I can’t speak for how any of this might or might not work on anything but the PC. As always, back everything up before making any changes. The Savegame Editor can really screw up your game and it’s better to have a backup copy than not to.

This post DOES contain some spoilers.

Dragon Age 2 Save Game Editor Pc

Dragon age sexualized Succubus. 1., 2 by Rebel O Conner » Tue Jan 12, 2010 12:04 pm. Last post by Strange Angel. Fri Feb 12, 2010 10:27 am. All Dragon Age 2 Trainers, Saves, Editors at CheatsGuru have been submitted by our users. Although we always check files for existing viruses, these files can be potentially dangerous for your computers. For checking the files you can use an on-line antivirus scanner. Such scanner gives 80% guarantee that the file is safe.

Tutorial made with Windows 10

This software is able to create a saved game file of DA with all pposible choices that could affect your gaming experience in dragon age 2 I have not created this, therefore im not able give any sort of support, all i can say is that it works. In order to run the save generator, you need to have.NET 4.0 installed.

Things you’ll need:

Nearly Unlimited Saves Tutorial will be helpful to easily sort your folders

You’re playing your game and realize something is wrong with your world state. Maybe you wanted Loghain to be the Warden and you got Stroud. Maybe you forgot to check Hawke’s personality as Aggressive and you got an out of character Diplomatic Hawke. Maybe you’re a stickler for tiny details and your Warden is showing up as Dalish when they should have been a dwarf. It’s bothering you so much you came here to fix it.

Whichever is the case, you have the power to change all of this, even if you’re hours into your game.

Dragon Age 2 Save Game Editor

  1. Go back to a save point before you noticed the changes you don’t like. Example: If you’re talking to the Warden you’ll need to go back to a point before you entered the cave and met him.
  2. Save your progress. I recommend using a Quick save so you can find it more easily.
  3. Rename your “save” folder to something you can remember. I have mine arranged by character name. (See above tutorial link.)
  4. Open DAI
  5. On the splash screen, click on the Dragon Age Keep
  6. Create your world however you want to.
    Note that a lot of the decisions are meaningless. You’ll want to focus on Hawke, his/her companions, Warden gender/race/class/fate, fate of Alistair, Leliana, Morrigan, Zevran and Logain. Dagna, Hawke’s relationship with Varric, Anders’ fate, Sebastian’s fate, Sacred Ashes quest, Decisions with Redcliffe, if your Warden sided with the mages/templars, if Varric saved a shard of red lyrium, who killed the archdemon, if you finished DAO, DA2, and Awakening. Possibly the king of the dwarves. Werewolves, fate of the rest of the Wardens’ companions, who you sided with the anvil quest, and most of Hawke’s information never comes into play.
  7. Get far enough into your game to save it. I recommend a Quick Save to make it easy to find.
  8. Close DAI
  9. Go into your save folder (default is Documents/Bioware/DragonAgeInquisition)
  10. Copy your save file
  11. Paste it on your Desktop (or somewhere you can easily find it)
  12. Rename it. I use WorldState.das so it’s easy to identify.
  13. Close the save folder
  14. Open the folder you were using to play and renamed in step #2
  15. Copy the saved file you want to change.
  16. Paste it on the Desktop (or wherever you can find it again)
  17. Rename it. I normally use the same file name with an a or x on the end before the .das
  18. Open DAI Savegame Editor
  19. Open the file from #17 in the DAI Savegame Editor
  20. Click Import World State
  21. Select your WorldState.das (or whatever you named it)
  22. It should show you the changes and say “World State Imported Successfully”
  23. Click “Close”
  24. Save your file. I drop the a or x on the end so it has the same name as the original
  25. Copy the file (I used the mouse shortcut here)
  26. Paste it into the folder you renamed in #2
  27. Rename your World State folder. I usually change it from “save” to “TempWorldState”
  28. Rename the folder in step #2 to “save”
  29. Play DAI with the World State of your dreams