Microsoft Word Night Mode


  1. How To Change Microsoft Word To Night Mode
  2. Microsoft Word Night Mode Mac
Change microsoft word to night mode

With the new Creators Update for Windows 10, Microsoft is introducing a new night mode to Windows 10. The new night mode, which Microsoft is calling “Night Light” allows you to sleep better at night. With Night Light, you will essentially be able to control how much blue light is emitted by your Windows 10 PC’s display. This will cause your monitor to display warmer colors, which is supposed to help you sleep better at night.

Microsoft has announced an update for its dark mode option in Word to enable more extensive colour changes across the program. The visual change is available in the latest version of the. Starting with Microsoft Office 2016, Microsoft has introduced a Dark Mode for all Office apps. In Office 2019 you get two Dark Modes to choose from. If you purchased an Office 365 subscription, you also get background patterns for your Office apps. Open Microsoft Word/Excel app or a Word/Excel document. Click File tab at the top-left corner, and click Account option in the left panel. Under Office Theme in the right window, you can click the drop-down menu and choose your preferred theme. To enable dark mode for Word/Excel, you can choose Black. Menggunakan Dark Mode di Microsoft Office. Jika kamu ingin menggunakan Dark Mode di semua aplikasi Microsoft Office, maka yang harus kamu lakukan adalah membuka salah satu aplikasi yang termasuk ke dalam paket Office. Misalnya, buka Word. Setelah itu klik tab File dan buka Menu Option.


If you have Windows 10 Creators Update installed on your PC, here’s how to enable the new Night Light feature:

  • Open up Settings (Win + I)
  • Click on System and the Display page should automatically open. If not, open it from the sidebar
  • Under the color settings, you will see an option to toggle “Night Light” and a link to open Night Light settings where you can configure more options for Night Light

How To Change Microsoft Word To Night Mode

At the moment, you can set Night Light to automatically kick in every day. At the moment, you can set Night Light to kick in when the sun sets and it will automatically get disabled during sunrise. Alternatively, you can set a custom period for Night Light and it will kick in during those hours:

Microsoft Word Night Mode Mac

There’s also a neat slider in the Night Light settings which lets you control the color temperature for Night Light. Also, there’s a quick toggle available for Night Light on the Action Center that lets you quickly enable or disable the feature: