Pixie Hollow Mini Games

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Pixie Hollow Online was a MMO (massively multiplayer online) game from Disney Online (PixieHollow.com). Players could create a Fairy or Sparrow Man character and play as him or her and participate in events, complete quests, shop, dress up, collect ingredients, play mini-games, earn talent points, choose an animal friend, chat, host a party. The first tier is free to use, and allows players to play all the mini-games and All in all, the Pixie Hollow game and the Fairies books are proof that, free printable forms marriage contracts Penelope Pixie gathered 18 more mushrooms than Felicia Fairy. Pixie Hollow Mini Games 2017. Play The Old Pixie Hollow. Return to Pixie Hollow for a heartwarming adventure, Disney’s Tinker Bell and the Legend of the NeverBeast. An ancient myth of a massive creature sparks the curiosity of Tinker Bell and her good friend Fawn, an animal fairy who’s not afraid to break the rules to help an animal in need.

  1. Pixie Hollow was a massive multiplayer online role-playing game addition to the Disney Fairies franchise that ran from 2008 to 2013. It was produced by DisneyToon Studios and developed by Schell Games.
  2. Fantage: This one is the other popular virtual world-oriented option which we can add to our list of games similar to Pixie Hallow for you to play. The virtual world element can be seen prominently in this pick as you can easily interact with all the other players and socialize with them. There are even tons of mini-games you can play where.
Welcome to Fairyland!
To play, please log in with your Facebook account!
Garden Owners
and Mother Nature
Mother Nature is flying and spreading pixie dust so the flowers will grow

About This Garden
Pixie Hollow
Magic fruit trees,malty colour flours,rain of pixie dust

Public Garden
Anyone can water at any time

Levels Achieved
Wildlife Level Legendary VI
[show wildlife spotted]

Quest Level I (88 Scrolls)
Garden Level 42

Garden News
Pink watered the Dulcia Somniflora
•´*•.( ◕¸◕).•*`• Mananos ❤ spotted a Field Mouse here, earning 1 Diamond!
•´*•.( ◕¸◕).•*`• Mananos ❤ watered the Piscis Aquabullae
★ Lily ★ watered the Piscis Aquabullae
★ Lily ★ spotted a Donkey here, earning 2 Diamonds!
★ Lily ★ watered the Piscis Aquabullae

12 years, 5 months


Thanks to recent coverage in Parents Magazine, lucky kids all over the world are waking up to find tiny tooth fairy letters under their pillows. Mini missives from the World’s Smallest Post Service, bursting with fairy dust and sweet sentiments, are delivering surprise, delight, and wonder!

We’ve been so inspired by the creative and clever work of the many parents who have recently ordered these custom tiny tooth fairy letters and cards. To help you out, we’ve assembled some sample text for all you aspiring tooth fairies (wink wink, that’s you!). Feel free to cut and paste as you like or just use these sample tooth fairy letters to get the creative process flowing. In the end, remember to make it personal and stay in character. You know, make it sound like something Twinkle, Bella, or Miss T. Fairy might say!

When you’re ready, click here to order a custom letter from the tooth fairy >>>

Pixie Hollow Mini Games

Here are the three samples we’ve whipped up…

Tooth Fairy Letter Sample #1

The Tooth Fairy
321 Sparkle Street
The Enameled Palace
Kingdom of Wisdom (Teeth)


Sweet Sierra
Under Her Pillow
Somerville, MA XOXOX

Dear Sierra,

Congratulations on losing your FIRST tooth. It’s a gem!

You were very brave yesterday. I have been waiting and waiting–just like you! I am so full of joy that I did a few extra twirls in the air as I flew to your house from The Enameled Palace.

Each time you lose a tooth, I will leave a little treat for you under your pillow. Enjoy!

Remember to brush and floss every day. John deere rb2308 shoe kit. And don’t eat too many sweets because they aren’t good for your teeth. Besides, you are sweet enough already!

I look forward to next time. Tell your sister, Taylor, I say hello!

Your Tooth Fairy

Tooth Fairy Letter Sample #2

Pixie Hollow Mini Games 2

T. Fairy
123 Brushem Lane
Pixie Hollow
Where Everything Always Sparkles

The Amazing Sam
Epic Tooth-Loser
The Blue House on the Corner
Seattle, WA 98105

Dear Sam,

Another tooth already–wow!!! You have lost so many teeth this month that I have memorized the route from Pixie Hollow to your house in Seattle! I could hardly believe it when I saw your name again on tonight’s tooth pick-up report.

I must say, tonight’s tooth is in particularly excellent condition. You obviously take very good care of your teeth. This is one of the strongest, finest teeth I have ever collected. It has a good chance of making it into the “Tooth of the Month” glass case back at the castle. Did I every tell you what we fairies do with all the teeth we collect? The best ones get chiseled into keys for tiny fairy pianos. The ones with cavities end up as kitchen cupboards or sometimes get used like bricks for streets.

My wings are a little tired from all the flying I’ve done tonight, so I best be on my way. Until next time! Keep those beautiful teeth coming!

Yours truly,
T. Fairy Ghost32 7z hiren boot.

Tooth Fairy Letter Sample #3

Flossy the Tooth Fairy
A Magical Land
Right Under Your Nose

Amy the Great (tooth brusher!)
In the Tall Apartment
with window box tomatoes XOXOX

Hi Amy,

Thank you for this beautiful, shiny tooth! I’m excited to add it to my collection. I am leaving you a shiny coin in exchange.

You take very good care of your teeth! Be sure to keep cleaning all the little crevices where the “sugar bugs” like to hide. Brush and floss every single day–twice!

Pixie Hollow - Home

It has been fun to see how well you are doing in art class and soccer this year. Keep up the good work! And you have a beautiful smile that lights up those around you.

Sweet dreams, dear girl!

Hugs and kisses and toothpaste,

Two Final Tooth Fairy Letter Tips

Given that you’ll be the one to carefully place one of these tiny tooth fairy letters under your child’s pillow, here are a couple recommendations for smooth sailing once that all-important tooth finally drops free.

1) When typing in the shipping address for your tiny tooth fairy letter, send it to yourself–not directly to your child–and snatch it up at your mailbox, secretly sneaking it under your child’s pillow. This is the most authentic way to approach this very sensitive task.


2) If it’s important that the tooth fairy visits your home the same day a tooth is lost, be sure to order early. If the tooth is loose, it’s time to place your order! That way, you’ll have the little missive ready and waiting for the big day. You can even stock up by ordering a handful of tiny cards at a time if it looks like there are more lost teeth on the horizon.

Okay, good luck and happy writing!